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Wii - Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn

Wii - Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn

Regular price $89.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $89.99 CAD
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Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn for the Nintendo Wii is set on the continent of Tellius as it is the sequel to Path of Radiance.

Three years have passed since the great war that ended in the death of Mad King Ashnard. His country of Daein suffers under the rule of the war's victors. Now, a small band of freedom fighters struggle to end the long, dark night of Daein's oppression.

Tellius is divided into seven nations that are governed by either laguz or beorc. The seven nations are: Begnion, Crimea, Daein, Gallia, Goldoa, Phoenicis and Kilvas.

  • Shape your army to suit your strategy by choosing from dozens of unique characters.
  • Employ a variety of short-range and long-range physical attacks, as well as magic!
  • Build support relationships between your characters as their relationships grow, so do their battle strength.
  • 16 - 9 widescreen support for a better view of the battlefield.
  • Ability to permanently save mid-battle.
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